Building e-commerce applications: 6 secrets to succeed

Do you want to build an eCommerce app on Android or iOS? There are plenty of software development companies that can make an eCommerce app for you, but building e-commerce applications that really shine and make money takes advanced skills and experience. 

In this article, we’ll explore how to create an eCommerce mobile app that is not only technically sound but commercially viable as well. 

How to Build an eCommerce App in Android or iOs That Really Sells

Before we dive into how to build an eCommerce mobile app that makes money, we have to think about approaching the project in a cost-effective way.

If you don’t already have a team working in-house, consider hiring an offshore team. Countries in Eastern Europe can deliver the same quality of work you can find in other parts of the world, but at a much lower rate than developers in countries like the United States or the United Kingdom.

If not, consider working with freelancers or outsourced agencies that offer a competitive rate. 

Building e commerce applications1

Let’s look at a few tips that will guarantee success when you build an eCommerce Android app:

1.    Keep the design simple and user-friendly

Your user interface is everything the customer sees when they log onto their app. It has to be easy to navigate, attractive to look at, and engaging enough for customers to dig in and explore. Keep the size of the screen in mind when you are designing your app.

The screen is smaller, so you can’t cram it into too many elements. Everything has to be clear and well-organized so that customers can find what they are looking for. 

2.    Make it quick to log in and check out

Customers want as little friction as possible when it comes to checking in and out. Long sign-up forms at the beginning of the experience or having to enter the same details over and over again when you check out will irritate your customers and may even lead them to abandon their carts.

Remember that your users won’t have a physical keyboard to type on, so it has to be simple to enter your details. If possible, integrate with Google and social media for rapid account creation and completion.

3.    Be consistent

Being consistent is important. Your app and its navigation have to be intuitive and predictable. Most apps keep the menu bar in the top right corner and have certain commands that are universal – stick to those unspoken rules. It will eliminate confusion for new users. Make sure that users can jump back to the main menu or cart at any time.

4.    Don’t forget security

Customers trust you with critical information, including their credit card details and personal information. You have to keep your app secure against cyber breaches. A cyber attack may take your app down physically or even reputationally.

Make sure you protect user data against every threat and that you are fully compliant with GDPR and other regulatory guidelines. 

5.    Use autosuggestions

When users browse your app, the activity creates data logs that can be used to understand individual customers and their preferences.

Auto recommendations help your customers fill out forms quickly and predict common search queries so that they can find products easily.

Integrating with an API like Google Places allows for address lookup to make the checkout process much faster, reducing friction for customers. 

6.    Provide fast customer support

Your customers may have questions or concerns and need an answer right away. Adding a chatbot, FAQ, guidelines, or even a phone number will reassure customers and show that you are willing to help them when they need you to.

You can also build an eCommerce Android app with live chat support if you have the staff to support it. 


Now that you know how to create an e-commerce mobile app that will really stand out, you can get started right away