Artificial Intelligence


How is Artificial Intelligence Enabling Improved Decision Making for Oil and Gas Business?

Oil and Gas business, partial side effects of COVID-19, has suffered major losses this year due to a drastic slowdown in consumption. The major Oil and Gas companies including the National Oil Companies and International Oil Companies have already started implementing substantial cost-cutting plans. The future looks dismal, but every cloud has a silver lining; …

How is Artificial Intelligence Enabling Improved Decision Making for Oil and Gas Business? Read More »

Artificial Intelligence

How do Organizations Leverage on Big Data and Artificial Intelligence for Making Confident Business Decisions?

Consider a scenario where you are sitting in a board meeting for deciding on the budgeted profit numbers for your organization and the sales team is giving you random scenarios and corresponding expected numbers based on projections. But does that really give you, as the board member, the confidence that all the possible scenarios have …

How do Organizations Leverage on Big Data and Artificial Intelligence for Making Confident Business Decisions? Read More »